YAG Laser Capsulotomy

In advanced cataract surgery, premium intraocular lens implants are used to achieve glasses-free, youthful vision. The lens is implanted within the capsule that used to encompass the natural lens. As a healing reaction, it is common that the capsule will start to thicken over time affecting clarity of vision.
A YAG Laser Capsulotomy quickly and permanently resolves this. The procedure is safe, pain-free and takes around 5 minutes in rooms. After local anaesthetic drop is instilled, a contact lens is placed on the eye and the laser is performed in an examination chair. The laser has the capacity to focus only on the thickened capsule and clears the visual axis, returning the vision to its optimal state immediately.
The YAG Laser Capsulotomy never needs to be repeated and is free of risk and recovery.